Can I receive financial aid if I only take one class?

Financial aid is not based on the number of classes you are taking but rather on the number of credit hours you are taking. Financial aid is not available to any student who does not meet the minimum required total number of credit hours.

Undergraduate Required Credits

  • 12 credit hours for full-time aid consideration
  • 6 credit hours for part-time aid consideration
  • 1-5 credit hours: ineligible for almost all financial aid consideration

Graduate Required Credits

  • 8 credit hours for full-time aid consideration
  • 4 credit hours for part-time aid consideration
  • 1-3 credit hours: ineligible for financial aid consideration

Does it matter if I enroll for just one mini-term as long as I take 6 credit hours?

In general, while you would still be eligible to receive consideration for part-time aid, your total Cost of Attendance (COA) will be less because you will have expenses for just one mini-term. You may want to consult with OFA to receive a more detailed response based on your specific situation.

If I drop credits during the spring/summer, but after I receive my aid, I still get to keep all of my aid – right?

Unfortunately, this may not be the case. There are several reasons that your aid could change. In general, if you reduce your credit hours from an initial enrollment of 12 to an enrollment of at least 6, there will be a reduction in your aid and you may be required to repay some of the aid you already received. If you reduce your credit load from any initial enrollment level to less than 6 credit hours, you may be asked to repay ALL of the aid you have received. We strongly urge you to contact us before changing your enrollment so that you can make an informed decision.

Why doesn't my aid offer include direct loans?

Remember that you must enroll at least half-time to receive aid during spring/summer. If you are an undergraduate student, you may have already received your annual loans during the fall and winter terms and have no remaining borrowing eligibility this year. Supplemental borrowing in spring/summer is one way to access additional aid.

What happens if I fail a class?

If you are on financial aid probation, please consult with our office regarding this question. If you are not on financial aid probation, as long as you attended the class and earned the failing grade, your financial aid will not be adjusted.

I stopped going to class and had my aid revoked last spring/summer – why did this happen?

You must attend your classes in order to receive financial aid. Spring/summer can be tricky because it is a 16-week semester with two eight-week mini-terms. We look at attendance throughout the entire 16-week period, so changes to your attendance at any point could impact your eligibility for aid.

What are my options for reaching the full-time and part-time credit hour requirements?

You may take all of your credit hours in a single mini-term or you may space your enrollment over both mini-terms (or enroll in the full 16-week term). See “Does it matter if I enroll in just one mini-term as long as I take 6 credits?” for further details. The chart below will help you identify the minimum number of credit hours needed in order to be considered either full-time or part-time for financial aid purposes.

I am not going to be able to attend the spring term, but I have received a financial aid package for the spring.  Do I need to do anything?

It is very important that you officially withdraw from the semester if you don't plan on attending. While there are several important reasons for withdrawing prior to the beginning of class, updating your billing and aid information are two of the more impactful items.

What should I do to receive financial aid during my spring/summer term Study Abroad program?

Those enrolled in a UM-sponsored Study Abroad program may be eligible for financial aid but additional action is needed. To learn more and apply, visit the Study Abroad page on the Office of Financial Aid website.

Can I receive a Child Care Subsidy for spring/summer?

Yes, information on eligibility requirements and how to apply for a Spring/Summer Child Care Subsidy is available on the Child Care Subsidy page on the Office of Financial Aid website.