Studying Abroad

Studying abroad is an important part of the college experience for many U-M students, and financial aid is available. The type and amount of financial aid you are eligible to receive depends upon the Study Abroad program you choose.
If you enroll in a UM-sponsored Study Abroad program, you may apply for assistance through the Office of Financial Aid. We encourage you to email us if you have any questions about how your financial aid will be impacted by studying abroad. Non-resident students attending a non-tuition paying Study Abroad program may see a change to their existing financial aid for this experience and should submit the Study Abroad Estimate Worksheet for details.
The University of Michigan Grant is available to eligible U-M undergraduate students who are enrolled in their first bachelor's degree during the first 10 terms of enrollment in a college or university. This includes U-M or any other institution and includes enrollment during spring/summer terms. Email [email protected] for more details.
Depending on the cost of your Study Abroad program, the aid you receive may not meet your full demonstrated financial need. To cover the gap, you may choose to apply for a departmental scholarship, a Study Abroad scholarship, funding from M-Compass, a private scholarship, or a supplemental loan. If you have questions, email our office.
Study Abroad forms are found below and are also available on our Forms page as they become available.
If you have applied to study abroad through the Center for Global and Intercultural Study Program in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, do not download the forms listed on this page. There is a different process. CGIS staff first completes their portion of the financial aid form and then contacts you to share the partially finished form for you to complete. If you are a CGIS student and have questions, please contact the CGIS office at 734-764-4311 or email [email protected].
If you enroll in a non-UM-sponsored Study Abroad program and you expect to receive academic credit that will transfer to U-M, check first with your program to see if you may apply for financial aid as a “guest student” through the sponsoring institution.
If you cannot apply for aid through the program sponsor, you may apply for aid through U-M’s Office of Financial Aid but because you are attending a non-UM program, you will be eligible only for federal aid programs. If you have a U-M grant or scholarship and you choose a non-UM program, your scholarship or grant will be canceled for the term abroad; when you return, you must transfer your credits back to have your scholarship reinstated.
If you are receiving a departmental or private scholarship, check to make sure you are eligible for the scholarship while attending a non-UM study abroad program.
Depending on the cost of your program, the financial aid you receive may not meet your full demonstrated financial need. To cover the gap, you may want to apply for a supplemental loan. For more information, contact our office.
Consortium agreements allow the Office of Financial Aid to process your federal aid, private scholarships, and/or private loans, even though you are not a registered U-M student during your term(s) abroad. This agreement must be completed by you, your academic advisor and/or the Office of Credit Transfer Evaluation and your Study Abroad program. You will need to obtain signatures and/or paperwork from each office and participant in the agreement. Allow four to eight weeks to complete this process before you leave.
A consortium agreement is needed for any of these situations:
Even if the non-UM program is not listed, check eligibility with the Office of Financial Aid. If your program does not qualify, you cannot receive federal aid, private scholarships, and/or a private loan through the university. You will need to fund your study abroad program on your own.
The university encourages all U-M travelers to register their travel so that they can be notified quickly in case of an emergency, regardless of how the travel is organized or funded. Registration is quick and easy. View the U-M International Travel Policy and visit Global Michigan to register your trip. Your program may have additional international travel requirements.