Loan Exit Counseling

Student borrowers in federal loan programs are required to complete online Exit Counseling when they graduate, leave school, or drop below half-time enrollment. Exit Counseling assists borrowers as they prepare to begin repayment of their loans and offers money management tips.
Federal Direct Loan student borrowers who are graduating or dropping below half-time enrollment must complete this online counseling. This session helps borrowers understand their rights, responsibilities in repayment, and options for a repayment plan. This includes students with Direct Loans, Grad PLUS loans, and Federal Consolidated loans
Visit the Federal Student Aid website, log in with your federal PIN or FSA ID, and select the "Complete Counseling" link, then "Exit Counseling" to begin. Note: This is not the same as the federal Financial Awareness Counseling Tool, which can be found on the same site. Taking a demo counseling session will not fulfill your requirement.
Students with Perkins and Nursing/Health Professions loans must complete a different Exit Counseling process through the U-M Student Loan Collections office. Borrowers must complete an exit interview for each loan when they graduate, withdraw, or drop below half-time attendance. Failure to complete the exit interview will result in an “exit hold” being placed on your record.
Heartland Campus Solutions ECSI (ECSI) administers these exit interviews for the U-M Student Loan Collection Office. You will receive a notification from ECSI when this is required. Visit the Student Loan Collections webpage for information.